Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Journey Ahead

Almost there.  I passed four miles.  I can visualize the five and a half mile marker in my head. My body is weary. My mind is playing tricks. I long to quit. It would be so easy to just stop, but then I reached four and a half miles. Still the mind games continue. I can't do this. I can do this. I don't want to do this. My legs hurt, and my feet are tired.

I think upon my life verse, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God”, 1 Corinthians 10:31.  Okay, I can do this, I thought. I MUST do this. Then I passed five miles.

I see the finish line in front of me, but it's still far away. My mind tells me I'll never make it, but I can't quit now. A second burst of energy floods through my veins as I get closer to the finish. A little further. Almost there.

Finally, the distance tracker application on my smartphone states the news I've been dying to hear, “Five and a half miles.” I made it! Suddenly, I feel like I could run forever. All the “I can'ts”, “I won'ts”, and “I'm not good enoughs” melt away. I'm hooked, and this is only the beginning. I can do anything when I'm running with a lion's heart. Philippians 4:13

Welcome to my blog. Anyone who has started running as a hobby, for weight loss, or personal well being is probably familiar with the common challenges that affect new runners. My intention for this blog is to inspire new runners not give up by sharing tales of woe, trials, and successes on my journey to complete a half marathon and beyond.

More to come next week...

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